In 2016, the Global Slavery Index estimated that 11,700people within the UK were being subjected to Modern Slavery. The UK has been proactive in passing new legislation, and in 2014 published a Modern Slavery Strategy using a 4 P’s Structure: PURSUE, PREVENT, PROTECT, PREPARE.
It is the policy of the TSK Group Limited to ensure that any person or persons or third parties employed to perform work and or services in connection with our Works, does so only on the basis of a written contract which imposes on and secured from such person terms equivalent to those imposed on us as set out in this statement (“relevant terms”).
We agree that we shall be responsible for the observance and performance by such persons of any of the relevant terms.
We also confirm that we have not and, after reasonable enquiry of our supply chain, we are not aware that any member of our supply chain has committed any offence of “slavery, servitude or forced compulsory labour” and “human trafficking” as provided for within the Modern Slavery Act 2015:
Where we become aware of any breach of this statement we shall promptly report the details of the breach to the relevant parties.
TSK has set out the following measures to combat the many forms of exploitation within the Construction Industry, and to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
In Line with the CIOB “Building a Fairer System” which sets out to tackle Modern Slavery in Construction Supply Chains, TSK will set out a plan to reduce, and ultimately eliminate any risk of abuse and exploitation within their Supply Chain.
The most common perceptions of modern day slavery are that of forced child labour and people trafficking, but there are other lesser considered forms of slavery, all of which contravene international standards on human rights.
Migrant workers that move location to find work, possibly for a greater income, but do not enjoy the same rights as local citizens, even though they may be the same nationality.
Bonded labour: where somebody is forced to work for little or no pay at all, to settle a debt.
In September 2015, the UN member states signed up to the Sustainable Development Goals Charter. Goal 8.7 sets out to “Take immediate and effectivemeasures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human traffickingand secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour,including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labourin all its forms
Ongoing Measures:
· Investigate how hourly rates paid by recruitment agencies are broken down, to provide a clear indication of hourly rates, National Insurance Contributions, Pension, holiday pay and the Agency Margin.
· Identify payment terms of Recruitment Agencies to the workforce, to insure frequent and regular payment.
· Ensure that operatives are provided with a contract of work, which is clear and in the operatives’
native language.
· TSK to undertake random interviews with site personnel, to make sure that they are being treated fairly, and that Passports have not been retained by their employer.
· Where a site has a large number of agency staff, check home addresses, as if numerous staff list the same address, then this may possibly indicate high shared occupancy.
· We need to publish our slavery and human trafficking statement on the TSK website, and include
a link to the statement in a prominent place on the website’s homepage.
Statement on short term measures:
The measures set out above have are now being captured by way of an audit App carried out onsite with operatives, or with recruitment agencies and contractors.
Medium / Long Term Measures:
· Audit of recruitment agencies employed.
· To introduce a Code of Conduct for the Supply Chain
· Design stage input to source and select verified materials
· Carry out checks using the Gangmasters & Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA),who will be extending their online checker to include labour within the Construction Industry.
· Increase awareness of Modern Slavery in the construction industry and provide confidential reporting options to raise any areas of concern.